Event Davos Klosters

The Mystery of La Mancha

Animated film for the whole family


26.05.2024 from 16:00 to 18:00 o'clock
Culture Place Davos

Animated film for the whole family.


11-year-old Alfonso Quixote has a flourishing imagination. Like his ancestor Don Quixote, he must always defend his homeland of La Mancha against invisible monsters. He is supported by the neighbor boy Pancho Panza, his secret and only friend. When a threatening storm gathers and the shady businessman Carrasco makes an irresistible offer to the townspeople to sell their houses, Alfonso is initially the only one who suspects a connection. With Pancho and his secret love Victoria, he sets out to defeat Carrasco's mighty storm monster. On their fantastic adventure, the three learn what true friendship means and that one's own imagination can achieve great things.

Price: Reserved tickets must be picked up at least 15 minutes before the start of the event. In case of non-collection, the tickets will be charged.

CHF 15.- numbered seat
Reduced (members KP / Kulturgesellschaft Klosters / Guest Card):
CHF 12.- numbered seat
Reduced (young audience up to 18 years / apprentices / students with ID / Kulturlegi):
CHF 8.- numbered seat
Wheelchair user with companion (regular):
CHF 12.- numbered seat

Animation, 2022, Germany, 89', FSK: 0 (6), Director: Gonzalo Gutiérrez
Photo credit: Praesens-Film AG 2022


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