Bus Station Surselva

Bus Lumnezia Haltestelle Alp Sezner, Lumnezia

Bus Lumnezia

The stop of the bus Lumnezia is on the Alp Sezner. The bus runs according to the timetable, but only by appointment at least 30 minutes before departure.


The bus stop is located a little below the alpine stables at the driving ban sign.

The Lumnezia bus runs according to the timetable. The bus runs only by appointment Tel. 0041 79 437 53 05 (no SMS). This must be done at least 30 minutes before departure.

Timetable: https://www.surselva.info/Sommer/Wandern/Wanderbus-Shuttle-Bus-Bus-alpin/Wanderbus-Bus-Lumnezia


Bus Lumnezia Haltestelle Alp Sezner, Lumnezia

Alp Sezner, 7147 Vignogn

Responsible for this content: Surselva Tourism.
This content has been translated automatically.

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