Exhibition in the Nietzsche House: ‘Worlds of Light - in manuscripts by Friedrich Nietzsche and paintings by Engadine artists’
Special exhibition in the Nietzsche House as part of the joint project ‘Splendur e sumbriva - light and shadow in the Engadin’ organised by the Chesas da cultura Engiadina association
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This most comprehensive exhibition of works by Giovanni Segantini, the great artist of realistic symbolism and pioneer of modernism, shows paintings from all creative periods
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The "old post office" in Safien Platz opens its doors for special exhibitions. At the moment, an exhibition on the topic "The beginnings of summer and winter tourism in the Safiental" is on display.
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The Moesano Museum was opened in 1949 to collect, preserve and enhance assets of archaeological, historical and artistic interest concerning the Mesolcina and Calanca valleys.
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Local History Museum of Arosa-Schanfigg „Eggahuus“
The Schanfigg-Arosa Local History Museum presents a vivid picture of history, customs, former everyday life and crafts from Arosa and the Schanfigg. The rich collection of objects, documents and photographs is stored and exhibited in the historic Eggahuus.
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In the middle of the picturesque Old Town of Chur, the Rhaetian Museum presents Bündner history and stories from its beginnings to the present day. A permanent exhibition on four floors and changing special exhibitions invite visitors to take a journey through the centuries.
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The Obermutten local museum focuses on various aspects of rural life in the Walser mountain village of Mutten. The wooden building from the 17th century, which is still used as a home, contains historical furnishings that are thematically complemented by selected artefacts from the museum collection.
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Welcome to Inforama at the foot of the Valle di Lei dam! The exhibition is a must-see for anyone who wants to learn more about the fascinating history and current developments of CHR facilities in the Valle di Lei and along the Hinterrhein.
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