Event Engadin Samnaun Val Müstair
Marchà d'inviern a Ftan
Machà d'inviern Ftan; Various stands da marchà cun specialitats da la regiun, ustaria e tombola; Ingio: Plazza da cultura, Ftan; Annunzchas per ün stand: 076 328 56 15 o beat-v@bluewin.ch (CHF 25.-)
16.02.2025 from 11:00 to 17:00 o'clock
CHF 25.-
Ftan, 7551, Switzerland
Machà d'inviern a Ftan. Various market stalls with specialties from the region, a shop and a tombola. Il guadogn da la tombola va a favur da la società Movimento. Special program: The inschmanchabla RÜMLI GANG will accompany the market.
Ftan, 7551, Switzerland
7551 Ftan
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