Christine Knuchel und Capricorn Kitz über Blumenwiesen
Audio story mia natira: Listen to how the Capricorn fawns – young researchers from the Beverin Nature Park – and the artist Christine Knuchel perceive the flower-rich meadows and pastures.
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If Thusis had never burned, who knows, it would still be the main axis of the village: Until 1845, all traffic moved over the (today so-called) "Old Road".
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The reading bench "Uaul da Fiugs" is located on the Lumnezia forest adventure trail next to the large swing. In addition to literature, the bench offers a beautiful view of the Pèz Regina. Over the winter, the book boxes are emptied.
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Being "close to the customer" is of the utmost importance for a service-oriented business. In the store, customers can use the services seven days a week in winter - directly on the ski slopes.
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