Fireplace Prättigau
Grillplatz / Feuerstelle Soppen-Seeli St. Antönien

The fireplace is located on the left side of the forest from the hiking trail from St. Antönien-Aschüel to Alp Valpun-Chrüz.
Right next to it is the dreamy little Soppen-Seeli. Wood, rust, tables and benches are available.
Easily accessible on foot or by bike.
Public Transport
With the Rhaetian Railway RhB to Schiers or Küblis and with the Postbus to St. Antönien.
On the A13 and A28 to Küblis, then turn left through the underpass towards Luzein, Pany, St. Antönien until P21 Litzigaden
In St. Antönien all parking spaces are subject to a charge. In the parking lots you can pay with cash, Parkingpay app, Easy-Park or Twint.
Grillplatz / Feuerstelle Soppen-Seeli St. Antönien
7246 St. Antönien
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