Event Prättigau

Ascension Cross Country

Auffahrts-Crosslauf (gdl_494873178_image)
Ascension cross country run of the Pany gymnastics club


29.05.2025 at 10:00 o'clock
Swimming pool Pany

On Ascension Day, the Pany gymnastics club will hold the traditional cross-country race with start and finish at the Pany swimming pool.
Different running categories from the Pfüdis to the adults - a leisurely
and sporty day with refreshments.
Catering from 10.00 a.m.
Start of the 1st run at 12.15 p.m. at the swimming pool
Registration: tvpany@bluewin.ch / 079 254 17 64 or before the start


Swimming pool Pany

Schwimmbadstrasse 6, 7243 Pany

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