631 Durannapass - Strelapass (suitable for E-MTB)
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The route starts in Arosa and for the first kilometres runs along a good forest trail past the turquoise Isel Reservoir through Litzirüti to Langwies. Below the Langwies railway viaduct the trail ascends steadily past Langwies through the Fondeier Bach Valley. The two mountain inns in the old Walser settlement of Strassberg are ideal for a break before tackling the final push across moor- and meadowland to the Grünsee by the Duranna Pass. The descent via Schifer and Cavadürli to Davos continues in the same vein. From Davos the terrain changes. First there is an intense climb with just under 700 metres elevation gain via a road to the Parsennbahn middle station. Then you are rewarded with the stretch to the Strela Pass through the rock gallery with its farreaching panorama view. And you could always stop at the Restaurant Strelapass for, for example, a delicious cake. The route continues on the other side of the pass along a single track back to the Schanfigg. A challenging descent leads from the craggy pass area to the sap green Sapün Valley with tradition-rich Walser settlements. The ascent from Langwies to Arosa is the route’s finale.
In Davos Klosters there are many alps with livestock farming. Therefore, you can expect to encounter animals everywhere. Please be considerate and drive the terrain at an appropriate
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