Personal and media details

Bergler Ernst und Begleiter vor dem Kurhaus Bergün
Please complete the form below so that we have all the necessary information to organise and carry out your research trip:
Personal details (according to passport)
How would you like to be addressed?
We only need your passport number if you are travelling to Switzerland from abroad.
Please indicate your mother tongue and whether you speak German, Italian or English and if so, at what level.
If rental equipment is required for your research trip.
If rental equipment is required for your research trip.
Emergency contact
Personal details of the travelling companion (if a travelling companion is foreseen)
How would you like to be addressed?
We only need your passport number if you are travelling to Switzerland from abroad.
If rental equipment is required for your research trip.
If rental equipment is required for your research trip.
For bloggers
Please indicate unique visitors per month.
Topic, scope, date
For journalists
Topic, scope, date
Please confirm
I have taken note of the information on data protection and the handling of personal data. I agree that Graubünden Ferien may pass on my data to third parties associated with this trip (e.g. transport companies, destinations, hotels, restaurants or other tourism service providers) so that they can make and send appropriate recommendations and information relating to this trip.
Are you interested in receiving our twice-yearly press kit with news and research ideas from Graubünden?

Press kit

In our press kit you will find suggestions and inspiration for your next media trip to Graubünden.