Event Davos Klosters

Researchers Beer - Lockere Gespräche über Forschung für Alle

Martin Stoddart wird über Kniegelenke aus dem Labor sprechen


02.07.2024 von 18:30 bis 20:00 Uhr
Kulturplatz Davos

Martin Stoddart wird über Kniegelenke aus dem Labor sprechen.


Graubünden besitzt eine vielseitige und international vernetzte Wissenschaftslandschaft. Dazu zählen auch die Davoser Forschungsinstitute, die mehr als 300 Forschende beschäftigen. Hinzu kommt ein Vielfaches an forschungsinteressierten Einheimischen und Gästen, welche die «Wissensstadt» bevölkern.

Am «Researchers Beer» im Foyer des Kulturplatzes Davos (www.kulturplatz-davos.ch) treffen sich am ersten Dienstag des Monats (18.30 Uhr) Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler sowie wissensdurstige Bürgerinnen und Bürger zum gegenseitigen Austausch und Kennenlernen.


Graubünden has a diverse and an internationally well-connected scientific landscape. The Davos research institutes, which employ more than 300 researchers, are part of this. In addition, there is a large number of research-interested locals and guests who populate the “Science City”.
At the “Researchers Beer” in the foyer of the Kulturplatz Davos (www.kulturplatz-davos.ch), scientists and citizens with a thirst for knowledge meet on the first Tuesday of the month (6.30 PM) to exchange ideas and get to know each other.
Special guest: Martin Stoddart will talk about knees produced in the laboratory.
Martin has been working at the ARI Research Institute of the AO Foundation in Davos since 2005. After a bachelor's degree in biology, he specialized in medical research and deals with blood vessels, cartilage, gene transfer, etc. Martin Stoddart has been the program leader of the regenerative orthopaedics program within the ARI since 2020. Applied research in the field of regeneration and healing at the level of human cells is his field of work.
The AO Research Institute Davos (ARI) is a world leader in the field of preclinical research in trauma surgery and orthopaedics. The research work at the headquarters in Davoscontributes significantly to Davos being recognized as a research location.
Martin Stoddart is the author of over 160 scientific articles and book chapters, editor of three books and has two patents pending. Martin lives with his family in Davos.
The event will be held in English.



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